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Mysots Whey Cheese 200 gr


Brunost, Brown Cheese, Mysost, Whey Cheese, Myseost,Mesost,Meesjuusto,Mysuostur
Package Size 200 grams

Mysost is made by reducing Whey from the Cheese-making process until thick. As the Whey reduces the sugars, proteins, minerals and vitamins concentrate and caramelize resulting in a semi-firm, semi-sweet cheese. Made throughout Northern Europe, Whey Cheeses goes by many names and are considered to be an important part of Norwegian (Brunost), Danish (Myseost), Swedish  (Mesost), Finnish (Meesjuusto) and Icelandic (Mysuostur), heritage.

Used as a topping on baked goods Mysost / Brunost is often a staple of Norwegion lunchboxes. This cheese is often sparingly used in sweet as well as savory sauces.

Mysost is high in calcium, B-Complex vitamins, and Carbohydrates, making it an energy rich food.

Made in Scandinavian countries since before recorded history Mysost’s recipe changed greatly in 1863 when cheese makers started adding cream to whey resulting in a cheese with a more rounded taste.

Mysost dibuat dengan memasak Whey dari proses pembuatan keju sampai menjadi kental, sehingga gula dan protein terkonsentrasi dan terkaramelasikan dan menghasilkan keju dengan rasa yang manis. Dibuat di seluruh Eropa Utara,Keju whey ini disebut dengan banyak nama

danmerupakan salah satu warisan budaya penting di Norwegia (Brunost), Denmark (Myseost),Swedia (Mesost), Finlandia (Meesjuusto) dan Islandia (Mysuostur).
