PT. Pasti Enak Premium Artisan Cheese Maker
Berdedikasi untuk Kualitas! Benar Benar Pasti Enak!
We source the highest quality farm fresh milk available to produce our selection of cheeses. This delicious raw milk is carefully posturized before being transformed into cheese. Most of our cheese spend from 1 to 12 months in our Cheese Caves prior to being ready. Through the use of quality ingredients and traditional techniques we produce a wide selection of gourmet cheeses in Klungkung Bali Indonesia. View our Products
With over 80 varieties of cheese and dairy products we certainly have something for just about any culinary application. Given that our products are available for retail purchases, though this website, and at leading supermarkets in Indonesia, they are easy to fine. Please feel free to Order Online for home delivery or Contact our team with any requests of questions you may have.
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Tentang Kami
Since 2007 PT. Pasti Enak has dedicated itself to the production of the highest quality All Natural Food Products. Our dedication to providing healthy delicious foods is our passion.
Kami berterima kasih kepada pelanggan kami yang telah mendukung kami dalam misi kami. Kami akan terus berusaha menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas terbaik dan terus maju dengan tanggung jawab sosial kami melalui filantropi dan komitmen kami terhadap ketahanan pangan yang berkelanjutan. About Our PT Kisah Kami online contact form
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Welcome MauMie, IndoFerment, and MauFoods to the PT. Pasti Enak family. With these registered trademarks will come completely new lines of Pasti Enak products in the years to come.
Selamat datang MauMie, IndoFerment, dan MauFoods menjadi keluarga dari PT. Pasti Enak. Dengan merek dagang terdaftar ini, segera akan hadir lini produk baru Pasti Enak dalam waktu dekat ini.

Our products are available throughout Bali and in select markets in Java, Sumatra and Lombok.
Can’t find a specific product? no problem! Because we offer direct shipping throughout Bali and to major cities in Indonesia.
Artisan Cheeses taste great, are packed full of nutrition, and certainly are a delicious way to balance a healthy diet.

Apabila Anda merupakan representatif dari Hotel, Restaurant, Market, Distributor ataupun Institusi yang ingin membeli produk kami atau untuk penggunaan komersil ataupun penjualan retail, silahkan daftar akun disini.
Permintaan Grosir
Digunakan di banyak resort terkemuka di Indonesia dan oleh para Chef terbaik yang memenangkan penghargaan Indonesia, keju Pasti Enak adalah salah satu diantara produk susu terbaik dunia.
Looking for an alternative to imported products? Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs. Custom orders available and basically with our experience making just about any dairy product is possible. online contact form